The mission of the program "Information Technology" is the implementation of comprehensive and quality training of qualified specialists in the field of software development in the process of bachelor's education.

Information technology is a fascinating, complex, and evolving field that continually affects the world and everyday life.
Nowadays computer skills are becoming as indispensable as reading and writing. And if you are interested in how the computer is set up, which programs allow you to work with information presented not only in text and digital form, but also in the form of graphics, web-pages, audio and video files, how to write program code and create computer applications, then the "Information Technologies" department of the International University of Central Asia is for you!
Having passed successively the way from a beginner…
Veis P.L.
Head of program
Computer Sciense
Introduction to Information Technology
Introduction to Data Analytics and Visualization
Introduction to Web-technologies
UI/UX Design
Database Technologies
Information Technologies in Business
Decision Making Theory
Management of graduate qualification works
Asanov R.A.
PhD, Associate Professor
Linear algebra and analytical geometry
Mathematical Analysis
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Computational Mathematics
Bolotbek uulu Nursultan
senior lecturer
Introduction to object-oriented programming
Sports programming
Algorithms and Data Structures
Machine Learning
Data mining
Mamazhanov A. Zh.
senior lecturer
Introduction to object-oriented programming
Information security and data protection
Ashimova A.Zh.
senior lecture
Computer Sciense
Introduction to Information Technology
Information Security and Data Protection
Information Systems Design
Cyber Hygiene
ICT standards systems
Management of graduate qualification works
Witt R.G.
senior lecture
Electronics and electrical engineering
Introduction to Robotics
Circuitry design
Computer Architecture
Software Engineering
Tarasov I.S.
senior lecture
Computer networks
Operating Systems
Information security
Switching, routing and wireless essentials
Podkopaeva A.A.
teaching assistant
Introduction to object-oriented programming
Programming languages
Information Systems Design