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The "Law" department is a structural unit of the university, based on the close relationship of education, science and practice, whose activities are aimed at meeting the changing needs and expectations of the modern world, having a clear system of training a new generation of professionals demanded in the country and abroad.

Nowadays, due to rapidly developing market relations, including between states, an increasing number of companies require specialists in the field of international law and business law. They deal with all legal issues related to business support and foreign economic activities of the company. It is their responsibility to draft contracts, monitor the fulfillment of contractual obligations, represent the interests of the company in relations with government bodies, partners, including abroad.
These in-demand areas of the legal profession are emphasized in the Law program at the IUCA.
Kulanbaeva Z.A.
Head of Law Program, candidate of Law Sciences, a.i. associate professor
Criminal Procedure
Legal psychology
Zhetigenova K.Zh.
Candidate of Law Sciences, a.i. associate professor
Law and Procedures in Cases of Violations
Theory of State and Law
Criminal Law
Customs Law
Administrative and Administrative Procedural Law
Intro to Law
Introduction to Legal Proffesion
Corporate law
Suleiman Sh.B.
Senior professor
Civil law
International law
Civic education
Legal support for business
Actual problems of international and business law
History of state and law of the Kyrgyz Republic
International trade law
Labor law
Salyanova A.Zh.
Candidate of Law Sciences, a.i. professor
Constitutional law of the Kyrgyz Republic
Constitutional law of foreign countries
Theory of State and Law 2
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