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Attention, flying frog!
On May 10, 2024 at the International University of Central Asia was held a
another competition "Reading to Children". The competition was organized by the third and fourth year students of the "Pedagogy" program: starting from the creation of all documentation on the competition, participation in the skit and development of the script, decorating the hall (posters and scenery) and finishing the work of the jury. The chairman of the jury was Anna Pivovarova, a graduate of our university, deputy director for educational work.
The annual republican contest, which has already become traditional, gathers high school students of our university, high school students from different parts of Kyrgyzstan.
This year it was attended by schoolchildren from Tokmok, Issyk-Kul oblast, Kara-Balta, Belovodskiy, villages close to Tokmok.
Participants had an opportunity to show themselves in expressive reading (nomination "Reading by heart"), essay writing (nomination "The book of my childhood") and advertising presentation (nomination "Read this book").

The theme of the current contest was the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" by V. Garshin. Everything: a skit based on the fairy tale, elements of the hall decoration and costumes, organizers' badges, certificates and diplomas for the winners were made in the same key with the image of wonderful frogs reading the book.

The contestants at the express-quiz showed the connection between the qualities of the main character and themselves: the ability to dream, take risks, show communication skills, rich imagination.

The event was bright and memorable.


Nizovskaya Irina

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